Victoire Tsamedi

My passion for digital and tech but also social … Working in the domain of digital transformation allows me to travel across my country and help people in rural areas to use technology and computer skills to transform in good ways, their business, and any other activities.

Country of origin


Which company do you work for?

Consultante indépendante

What is your specific area of specialisation?

Communication digitale et transformation digitale

How long have you been in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math’s (STEM) fields?


As a woman in a male dominated industry, what has been the biggest challenge you have faced in your career, and how did you overcome it?

Generalised wrong judgments of male colleagues and even of women and questioning of skills.
But beyond that, there are many other challenges that women unfortunately experience in these so-called “male” fields

What inspired you to join this industry?

My passion for digital and tech but also social … Working in the domain of digital transformation allows me to travel across my country and help people in rural areas to use technology and computer skills to transform in good ways, their business, and any other activities.
Also, at a very young age, I was lucky enough to have older brothers with scientific backgrounds around me who were already in the computer field and passionate about technology. And they really made me want to do that too because we were tinkering with things a bit for fun, opening old speakers, radio remotes, change the light bulb, put in a new electrical outlet…
After my scientific baccalaureate, I first did computer maintenance and internet network cabling before turning to marketing strategy and then to digital.

What changes, if any, have you seen in your field with regards to women in your field?

I must say that a lot of opportunities are now coming out for women and girls (in science, engineering, and technology fields) more than before. And some young ladies are taking interest too.
I wish we continue pushing till both genders will have equal chance to work in the field of their Choice!

How can we attract more women to consider a career in the STEM fields?

By showing them all possibilities! Some girls don’t know the potential they have, and they have been exposed to just one formula – (Becoming a good wife or mother, if you must study, women field is languages or accounting, things like that 😄) They need to know that STEM fields actually exist and that they are also able to work there. By Showing them women that have succeeded doing it.
And must of all, these sensibilisations are meant to be done already in primary school. When they are still very young. At a certain age, a lot of choice has surely been made already and going back is not easy. Also, we can love only what we see or know about. Please show girls all possibilities and let them choose! You will be surprised of what a girl or a woman is able to accomplish!

If you were to advise other young women starting their careers in the tech or within the STEM fields, what is the one thing you would say to them?

You are there because you are capable and meant to be so work Correctly and remain Confident.

When not working, what do you do for fun?

Reading books, Surfing on internet Google Social media and listen to music. discovering new applications on Play Store… Watching documentary on science, impact of social media or technologies…

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Women are making moves in the STEM fields!

From astronauts, quantum physicists and even race car drivers, women are proving their mettle and changing the world with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Their encouraging stories will make you believe in #WomenInTech. Get ready to be inspired!

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